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201 Newtown Pike

Lexington, Ky 40508


Tel: 859-619-9190

Fax: 1-859-253-1962

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Join Mutts 4 the Military today!

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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help us make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from dog walking to hosting fundraising events.

Here are ways you can help:

This is a great way to help out while having fun. Chips, dips and a popular movie or a turn at the pool table and you've got the perfect avenue for raising funds for a much needed cause.


You can also donate your old car, which we can then sell and use for future funding.


Contact us for a donation jar and party ideas today!


100% of your donation will go toward it's intended purpose. There is no overhead and there are no paid members. We are an all volunteer organization. For $300, you can fully sponsor a new dog for a vet in need. We will send you pictures and the dogs story and how they come together. Donate a smaller amount for our veterinarian fund and help an active service member who needs it the most!


We always need volunteers, and it can be lots of fun!


Come volunteer at any of our events, or come walk or groom the animals.


We also need foster care. Open your home for a week or a month to one of the lucky dogs who will eventually go to it's forever home. This helps socialize the dog and get him ready for his life adventure!

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