Join Us:
Mutts 4 the Military offers a unique service - free companion animals and vetting for those suffering from PTSD or just in need of a four legged friend.
Sponsorship is easy. For $1500, you can fully sponsor a companion animal for a vet in need.
* Spay/Neuter
* DHPP Booster
* Testing for Heartworms
* Treatment for parasites
* Rabies Vaccine
* Special Military collar and lead
* Temperament Evaluation
* Grooming
* Full Medical Evaluation
* Training
* Service Animal Certification
Active duty personel also need your help:
Faced with crippling bills and tough decisions, we provide them with free or discounted vet care when we can. Your contribution goes directly to help with these extra bills, which can sometimes be heartbreaking.
100% of your donation goes to help. There are no overhead fees or processing etc.
Mutts 4 the Military is all volunteer and has no paid members. All funds raised go directly toward the program it supports.
Mutts 4 the Military meeting the needs of todays' active duty and veterans!